Third Times the Charm?

Remember that post where I swore up and down that I wouldn’t disappear again, like I did this spring? Yeah…about that…

So that brings us to today; hopefully that good ‘ole saying “third time’s the charm” is true. Honestly, I’m not sure there’s a specific reason that I stopped blogging. School started and things just went from there. BUT the good side is that I’ve gotten so much done this semester, I’m not sure how I’m still alive (if I can even still be considered living in my current state of mess).

Junior year: the hell year. It was that way in high school and I’d heard mixed thoughts on junior year in college. I thought I was going to be fine and could handle whatever life threw at me. I’m usually pretty good at it. I spoke too soon this year. Turns out, it’s really difficult to manage 15 hours of schoolwork, 15 hours at an internship, 10 hours of swim lessons, 20 hours of rowing a week, PLUS homework and studying and having somewhat of a collegiate social life. Healthy eating and working out didn’t even make the cut. Sleep and showers hardly make it half the days. Oh-my-lanta. 

Don’t get me wrong. I couldn’t be happier and more blessed. I got accepted to be the Marketing and Event Intern at Baltimore Magazine and I absolutely love it. I spend my days helping plan events for both the primary magazine and the Baltimore Bride magazine. I get to pick community events for the magazine to partner with. My bosses are super cool and I get to attend the events we plan. I’m actually going to a happy hour-like event tonight. Who doesn’t love dressing up and looking cute on a school night??

I also was able to find a pool down here in Charm City to teach swim lessons at. Job –> Check! I have to fund my shopping addiction somehow. It’s also super close to school and Chris works there as well so all is good. Yes, it does take away from work out and homework time, but money is money. It’s an essential part of this world (and even more so of the college world) so I put up with it. 

Speaking of the beau, we have officially surpassed our one year anniversary together! It seemed like such a short amount of time, but yet on Oct. 18, we hit a year (much to the surprise of everyone). Apparently, when you look at average college relationships, a year is basically a lifetime. I’ve been ask so many times how I manage to stay faithful to him when we go out on the weekends and everything. Like, what? What have people come to? Is it really that difficult for people to stay monogamous? It’s shocking/depressing to me. Maybe I’ve just been lucky. Either way, we’re doing really good 🙂

As for an update on the BMore life, there’s not much to say. Mother Nature, start paying attention here. It’s cold. Like really cold. Yet, we got no snow, while the rest of the clan in Jersey got some. What the frick?? I want snow. If I’m going to have to wear 5 layers of clothing to practice, it better snow. Otherwise, bring back the sunshine and 80 degree weather. 

This time I PROMISE that I will keep this updated. I already have a post ready to go for Tuesday Morning Reading this week 🙂 I think all of you younginns will enjoy it. It’s pretty darn entertaining. 

Now go back to doing the work you should be doing instead of reading my ramblings! xx